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March 27, 2013
Aumaaggiivik Newsletter | volume 1 | number 1
By Aumaaggiivik

We’re delighted to present the March 2013 edition of the Aumaaggiivik newsletter.

January 31, 2012
100 000 $ pour la première collecte de fonds organisée par l’Institut culturel Avataq
By Danielle Cyr

Le premier cocktail-bénéfice d’Avataq, tenu le 5 décembre 2012, à la Verrière du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, a rencontré le succès escompté. Le généreux soutien de la communauté des affaires a permis d’atteindre l’objectif financier visé de 100 000$. Grand merci au comité d’honneur, à nos prestigieux commanditaires et à tous nos invités.

December 20th, 2012
Great success for the lst Avataq Benefit cocktail
By Danielle Cyr

The AVATAQ Cultural Institute can say “mission accomplished!” AVATAQ’s very first fundraiser, with top Nunavik policy makers, the business community and the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Élizabeth Larouche, as well as Inuit representatives from the 14 communities in Québec’s North, the Institute has raised $100,000, fully achieving its ambitious objective for this first public fundraising campaign.

December 20th, 2012
Christmas free-for-all
By Johnny Uitangak

When the Hudson's Bay Company had arrived in Puvirnituq in the beginning of the 1950's, Juani POV, Tamusi Qumak, and Peter Murdoch would climb to the roof of the storehouse and throw candies and other stuff to the people on the ground.

December 20th, 2012
Artist Profile: Beatrice Deer discusses her Christmas Album
By Janice Grey

Beatrice Deer is one of Nunavik’s favorite singer-songwriters. Originally from Quaqtaq, she now lives and works out of Montreal.