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May 11, 2010
Avataq’s archaeology week 2010
By Elsa Cencig

During summer 2009, Avataq’s Archaeology Department carried out an archaeological field school for high school students in Ivujivik’s area.

April 7, 2010
2009 field school near Ivujivik
By Susan Lofthouse

Archaeological investigations on the Nuvuk Islands.

February 11, 2010
Representing the Nunavimmiut: a Nunavik inukshuk at the XIII International Winter Road Congress
By Charlie Tarkirk

I have just returned from a wonderful experience at the Canadian pavilion of the XIII International Winter Road Congress, held February 8 to 11 at the Centre des Congrès in Quebec City.

January 28, 2010
Theatre for Youth in Nunavik
By Sarah Tuckatuk Bennett and Léa Hiram

As part of the Inuktituurniup Saturtaugasuarninga project, a youth theatre program was launched to promote communications through a medium that would appeal to Inuit youth.

January 15, 2010
Early Sources for the Production of Stone Tools
By Pierre Desrosiers

In the summer of 2009, Avataq carried out an archaeological project to study how the raw materials used to make lithic (stone) tools were acquired.