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May 22nd, 2012
Release of an international book by an Avataq Archaeologist
By Department of archaeology

The production of stone tools using the skillful application of pressure was a technique employed in Nunavik for thousands of years by Pre-Dorset and Dorset peoples. This technique had also been used in many other areas of the world. It most likely originated from a region that included part of Siberia, Mongolia and Northern China around 20,000 years ago. This is the subject of the book entitled the Emergence of Pressure Blade Making edited by Avataq archaeologist Pierre M. Desrosiers.

April 18th, 2012
An Exciting Experience for Akulivik Students
By Pierre M. Desrosiers

This year was the third edition of Avataq’s Archaeology Week. Six students from Akulivik, who had participated in the archaeological excavation of the Kangiakallak site on Smith Island, were invited for this activity.

March 6th, 2012
Here is a new way to get involved with Avataq!
By Pierre M. Desrosiers

Here is a new way to get involved with Avataq!
Do you have ideas, questions, or recommendations related to Inuit culture in Nunavik?

January 24th, 2012
Opening performance of Kautjajuk by the Nunavik Theatre Company.
By Léa Hiram

On December 18, 2011 in Salluit, an enthusiastic and captivated audience attended the opening performance of Kautjajuk, the legend of the ill-treated orphan, by the Nunavik Theatre Company.

January 16th, 2012
Archaeological Research on Smith Island, Summer, 2011
By Pierre M. Desrosiers

During the summer 2011 Avataq Cultural Institute undertook archaeological excavations and field survey on Smith Island, near the community of Akulivik.