A hundred people braved the cold last Tuesday in Salluit to attend the unveiling ceremony of Isaacie Padlayat tombstone, who was a member of the Avataq board of directors since its inception in 1980.
Our publications department is happy to announce that the design for Avataq's most recent book Relations on Southeast Hudson Bay, by Toby Morantz has been recognized by a national book design award.
The Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami’s second annual “Taste of the Arctic” gala fundraiser was a sold-out event at the National Art Gallery in Ottawa on February 1st, 2011.
Relations on Southeastern Hudson Bay: An Illustrated History of Inuit, Cree and Eurocanadian Interaction, 1740-1970 Toby Morantz.
Ulluriaq Centre is a group-home based in Montreal for Inuit youth at risk from Nunavik. The youth range from 11 to 17 years of age.