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December 11th, 2012
The Making of an Eider Duck Parka
By Nancy Palliser

Every year the Pukik Cultural Committee tries to make something “that shows of our Culture”.

November 30th, 2012
Avataq Benefit Cocktail
By Janice Grey

Avataq Cultural Institute is holding its first Auction and Cocktail to raise funds for the Institution. All proceeds go to Avataq, which has been working to preserve Culture and Language for the Inuit of Nunavik for over thirty years. The Institution is also known for its support and promotion of Inuit artists.

November 9th, 2012
Eddy Weetaltuk: An Inuit veteran from the Korean War
By Avataq Cultural Institute

As Remembrance Day approaches, we would like to say a few words about Eddy Weetaluktuk, who was an Inuit veteran from the Korean War.

November 6th, 2012
Let’s Make our Culture Visible
By Nancy Palliser and Andrew Papigatuk

Spring of 2012, a team of 5 people consisting of two staff members from Avataq Museum department (Martine Gascon and Julie Anne Tremblay) and Mary Pirti Kumarluk (Daniel Weetaluktuk Museum) along with Andrew Papigatuk from the department of Archaeology and I, had traveled to 6 communities in Nunavik for the PILOT PROJECT, “Let’s Make our Culture Visible”.

October 30th, 2012
Local history and the development of tourism in Kangiqsujuaq
By By Pierre Desrosiers and Sylvie Côté Chew

From 16-18th October, a roundtable took place in Kangiqsujuaq in order to discuss the history of the community and the region. This activity was a joint initiative between the municipality of Kangiqsujuaq, Avataq Cultural Institute and the Visitor’s Centre of the Pingualuit National Park. The objective was to present the historical information to people involved in the development of local tourism, as well as to other members of the community.