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February 19, 2008
Avataq Booth one of the most popular at the Northern Lights 2008 Trade Show!
By Simon Ménard

Avataq Cultural Institute had one of the most frequented booths at the Northern Lights 2008 Trade Show held at the Ottawa Congress Centre from January 30 to February 3, 2008. The event brought together businesses from across Northern Canada, including the Inuit regions of Nunavut, Nunatsiavut (Labrador) and Nunavik (Northern Quebec).

January 23, 2008
Little Whale River Reveals Some Secrets During Summer 2007 Archaeological Survey
By Christian Roy, Independent Archaeologist

The Little Whale River/Richmond Gulf Archaeology Project was carried out by a team of five Cree and Inuit technicians during the months of July and August 2007. This joint project was conceived by the Cree Regional Authority and Avataq Cultural Institute within the framework of the future Parc national des Lacs-Guillaume-Delisle-et-à-L’Eau-Claire.

December 20, 2007
Inauguration of the Pingualuit National Park Exhibition in Kangiqsujuaq
By Sylvie Côté Chew in collaboration with Louis Gagnon

In Kangiqsujuaq, on November 30, 2007, as part of the official opening of Pingualuit National Park, a permanent exhibition housed in the new park’s Interpretation Centre and designed by Avataq Cultural Institute was inaugurated. Premier Jean Charest cut the ceremonial sealskin ribbon in the presence of elders Amaamak Jaaka and Naalak Nappaaluk. Also in attendance were Maggie Emudluk, Pita Aatami, Mary A. Pilurtuut and Charlie Arngaq.

December 19, 2007
New Avataq Board meets for the first time in Montreal
By Unknown

Avataq Cultural Institue's new Board members had their first in-person meeting sice Board elections at the 17th Nunavik Inuit Elders' Conference in Kangiqsujuaq this past September.

December 12, 2007
An Update on the Qajartalik Petroglyph Site
By Daniel Gendron, Chief Archeologist

Louis Gagnon, curator at Avataq, and I were finally able to visit to the Qajartalik petroglyph site near Kangiqsujuaq, Nunavik at the end of September 2007 to verify its condition.