
Research, Library and Archives



In 1983, Avataq and Makivik launched a project to research the history of Nunavik. Within a few years, interviews had been conducted in the 14 villages to assemble oral histories; meanwhile, historic photographs were collected, and the Canadian government archives were searched for relevant documents. These materials formed the core of Avataq’s documentation centre, and all this occurred without the benefit of outside funding. Over the years, we added many oral histories, photographs and institutional archives to the collection. In 1985, a number of acquisitions, gifts and reproductions of university theses formed the core of Avataq’s library.

The Documentation Centre formally opened its doors in 1988, when Avataq moved to new quarters on St-Louis Square. Nearly 10 years later, the collections had grown more than ten-fold, but we did not have the financial resources to hire personnel to manage them. Finally, in 2004, we were able hire a professional archivist, who has been working to organize all the materials.

Resource people


Nathalie Deléan, Archivist


Institut culturel Avataq
320 - 4150 rue Ste Catherine Ouest
Westmount (Québec), H3Z 2Y5
Tél : (514) 989-9031 ext. 293
Fax : (514) 989-8789

Financing and collaborations

Ongoing financing:

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Makivik Corporation
Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec
Kativik School Board


Réseau des Services d’Archives du Québec
Bibliothèque et archives nationales du Québec

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