
Communications and Publications


Literature produced in the Inuit language is vital because it encourages people to speak and think in Inuktitut. The Avataq Cultural Institute has produced many publications over the years and staff regularly contribute to magazines, scientific journals and other periodicals.

Some of Avataq’s publications are available in Inuktitut, English and French, while others are available exclusively in Inuktitut, such as the Kasudluak Encyclopedia.

Recently, Avataq completed a very exciting project for early childhood development in Nunavik. Unikkaangualaurtaa - Let’s Tell a Story is a collection of 26 stories and songs from around Nunavik, accompanied by activities for young children. This book is a major accomplishment as it gives early childhood educators an effective tool for teaching children about Inuit culture.


The Atlas of Plants of the Nunavik Villages (Éditions MultiMondes, 2004) is another interesting recent publication. The Atlas was written by Marcel Blondeau and Claude Roy in collaboration with Alain Cuerrier and the Avataq Cultural Institute.

Until 2002, Avataq also published a bi-annual cultural magazine called Tumivut. These publications contain fascinating stories and articles, as well as information from Inuit oral tradition collected through interviews with elders. Past issues have included features on traditional games, historical photographs and articles on family genealogy in Nunavik.

Information : Tumivut is distributed free of charge to households in Nunavik, on request, and may be purchased by organizations and individuals located outside of the region.

Among its future goals, the Avataq Cultural Institute would like to publish more works by Inuit authors and more books in Inuktitut.

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