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August 6, 2008

Avataq Participates in Meetings with VANOC and Four Host First Nations Secretariat

By Unkown

Avataq Cultural Institute participated in meetings with the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC) and the Four Host First Nations Secretariat at the beginning of July. The goal of the meetings was to discuss how to ensure the participation of Inuit during the 2010 Winter Games. VANOC and the Four Host First Nations have set a collective goal of "unprecedented Aboriginal participation" in the 2010 Winter Games.

NICoVO with the Squamish Band Council

NICoVO with the Squamish Band Council

Simon Ménard, representing Avataq’s Northern Delights Herbal Teas, took part in the meetings which covered business and cultural opportunities related to the Games. Katarina Soukup and Sammy Kudluk of Avataq were also present to ensure Inuit artists from the region are able to showcase their talents to a world audience at events such as the Cultural Olympiad, which takes place February-March 2009 and again during the 2010 Winter Games.

Public art commissioned by VANOC for its 15 sporting venues will include original works created by Aboriginal artists from across Canada, thanks to the Vancouver 2010 Venues’ Aboriginal Arts Program. A Request for Expressions of Interest was released on July 7 and artists have until August 15 to submit their application, after which selected candidates will be invited to submit a detailed proposal.

The Vancouver meetings were organized by the National Inuit Committee on Vancouver 2010 (NICoVO) struck last April by Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK). Made up of representatives from the four Inuit regions of Nunavik, Nunavut, Inuvialuit, and Labrador, the committee will coordinate the Inuit presence at the 2010 Games. Given VANOC’s choice of logo – an inukshuk– NiCoVO strongly believes the world public should know about the indigenous people behind this iconic Inuit image.

The members of NICoVO in the VANOC office, with Tawanee Joseph, FHFN executive director

The members of NICoVO in the VANOC office, with Tawanee Joseph, FHFN executive director

On behalf of NICoVO, Charles Dorais receives the agreement with the Secretariat of the Four Host First Nations from Tawanee Joseph, FHFN executive director

On behalf of NICoVO, Charles Dorais receives the agreement with the Secretariat of the Four Host First Nations from Tawanee Joseph, FHFN executive director

Last April, ITK signed a memorandum of understanding with the Four Host First Nations Secretariat, which is made up of the Coast and Interior Salish nations on whose shared ancestral territory the Games will take place: the Lil’wat, Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh. A key partner in the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, the Four Host First Nations Secretariat will ensure their people, history, and culture are respected, as well as facilitate the participation of Canada’s First Nations, Métis and Inuit during the international sport and cultural event. The focal point of their efforts will be the 2010 Aboriginal Trade Pavilion in the heart of downtown Vancouver.

Avataq is not a formal member of NiCoVO, but was invited to attend the Vancouver meetings in an observer/advisor capacity.

Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games
Four Host First Nations Secretariat
Vancouver 2010 Venues’ Aboriginal Arts Program

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