

Airport infrastructure renovation: an archaeological pre-assessment

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Site IcGm-2, excavation of Structure 1, facing east, 1986

Site IcGm-2, excavation of Structure 1, facing east, 1986

Bobby Grey displays an artifact found at site IcGm-3, 1986

Bobby Grey displays an artifact found at site IcGm-3, 1986

Between 1985 and 1987, in conjunction with a plan by the Ministère des Transports du Québec to renovate Nunavik’s municipal airport infrastructure, the Avataq Cultural Institute prepared systematic archaeological inventories within a five-kilometre radius around nine Nunavik communities.

The first large-scale project by Avataq’s archaeology department, our work led to the discovery of over 250 archaeological sites representing all periods of human settlement in Nunavik. This project also led to the excavation of four of these sites (three in Inukjuak: IcGm-2, 3, and 4; and one in Ivujivik: KcFr-3), and to the safekeeping of cultural relics under threat of imminent destruction.

Site IcGm-4, area A, Annie Weetaluuktuk examines a trench in the excavation zone (facing north), 1986

Site IcGm-4, area A, Annie Weetaluuktuk examines a trench in the excavation zone (facing north), 1986

Site IcGm-4, area A, northern sector, overview (facing west), 1986

Site IcGm-4, area A, northern sector, overview (facing west), 1986

Contact: Daniel Gendron

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