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December 5, 2007

Nunavik Archaeology Monograph Series no.2

By Unknown

A new anthology of articles on Nunavik archaeology has just been released by Avataq Cultural Institute and Laval University’s CÉLAT (Centre interuniversitaire d’études sur les lettres, les arts et les traditions). The 300-page publication is titled “Des Tuniit aux Inuits. Patrimoines archéologique et historique au Nunavik,” and was produced under the direction of Daniel Arsenault (UQAM) and Daniel Gendron (Avataq Cultural Institute).

The articles that make up the anthology issue from a CURA (Community-University Research Alliance) project titled “From the Tuniit to the Inuit,” which took place from 2001 and 2003 in the area of Hudson Strait between Salluit and Quaqtaq. The articles touch on various aspects of fieldwork and laboratory research, and contain new information on archaeological sites such as Qajartalik and Tayara, as well as raw lithic quarry sites. The book also covers other areas of study such as lithic technology, zooarchaeology, and geomorphology/geoarchaeology.

This new publication is available for $25.00 at Avataq Cultural Institute or at CÉLAT.

"Des Tuniit aux Inuits. Patrimoines archéologique et historique au Nunavik"

"Des Tuniit aux Inuits. Patrimoines archéologique et historique au Nunavik"

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