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November 25th, 2015

21st Nunavik Elders Conference

By Michel Patry

The 21st Nunavik Elders conference was held in Tasiujaq, from November 17 to 19. Thirty delegates from the fifteen Nunavik communities, including Chisasibi) attended the event.

The conference is an important gathering for elders. Held every two years, the conference also acts as the Institute’s general meeting. Accordingly, a presentation of the Institute’s recent activities, a discussion on the future of the IS project on Inuktitut language, and a follow up on the Local cultural Committees activities were on the agenda. Representatives from the Kativik Regional Government, the Nunavik Heath Board and Social Services, the Nunavik Cultural Tourism Development and the Nunavik Youth Forum also spoke to the delegates. Finally, the delegates had the opportunity to vote for the new members of the Avataq Board of Directors (see results below).

This edition’s theme was “Family Leadership”, an element of the social fabric strongly affected by colonization and centralisation. The discussion, held by Tommy Cain Sr., led to intense and emotional testimonies.

A feast gathering the community and the delegates a swell as the screening of the movie “So That You Can Stand” ended the event.

The next conference will be held in Kuujjuaraapik in November 2017.

Members of the Board of Directors1:

Jeannie Nungak, President – Kangirsuk (re-elected)

Minnie Etidloie, Director – Kangiqsujuaq (re-elected)

Josepi Padlayat, Director – Salluit (re-elected)

Solomonie Alayco, Director – Akulivik (re-elected)

Eva Quannanack, Director – Salluit (new member)

1 The new members of the Board of Directors will soon appoint a Vice-President and a Secretary-Treasurer.


Solomonie Alayco / Minnie Etidloie / Jeannie Nungak / Josepi Padlayat

Solomonie Alayco / Minnie Etidloie / Jeannie Nungak / Josepi Padlayat

© Robert Fréchette


Elders at the conference

Elders at the conference

© Robert Fréchette

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