Avataq Cultural Institute website


November 5, 2010
Archaeological Research at Cape Smith Island and in the Akulivik Area, Summer 2010 >
Pierre M. Desrosiers
October 20, 2010
Archaeological Work in the Proposed Tursujuq National Park Project, Summer 2010 >
Pierre Desrosiers
October 20, 2010
2010 Fieldwork – Kangiqsujuaq Region >
Daniel Gendron and Hervé Monchot
All the News

The CURA project

The CURA Project Sivulitta inuusirilaurtangit atuutilaurtanigillu (S.I.A.) is a multidisciplinary research project funded primarily by SSHRC through the CURA programme.

This project is administered by Avataq and carried out in partnership with researchers from various academic and research institutions, many Inuit and governmental organisations, community partners, private company, and students:

• Research Team
• Partnerships and Alliances
• Students

A collaboration between traditional knowledge and scientific research

The underlying theme of the S.I.A. Project is "Time and space among the Inuit of Nunavik". In other words, it includes as much the distant past and the recent history, and the occupation of the land and the associated knowledge by the Inuit and their predecessors. Inuit traditional knowledge and scientific knowledge from different disciplines (archeology, geography, history, anthropology, geomatics and Earth Sciences) are joined in order to enrich the interpretation methods and knowledge conducive to education, to cultural emancipation and socio-economic development of Nunavik.

A large scale regional project

Our project is characterized by its regional scope applicable to all Nunavik, where we join the scientific interests of researchers to the practical concerns of regional, municipal, territorial and academic instances that form this distinct cultural region. This allows us to stimulate historical and heritage research, and to support actively education, the transmission of ancestral knowledge and the preservation of Inuit tradition.

Using Inuit expertise to understanding the Land

Thus, in addition to enrich the general knowledge on human occupation in Nunavik, the CURA S.I.A. wants to increase significantly its visibility by enhancing the Inuit expertise in regard to the use and interpretation of the Nunavik territory. In this perspective, it is imperative that we take into account the Inuit perceptions and beliefs in relation to their history and their environment. Their worldview, closely adapted to the realities of the landscape, can only enlighten the scientific approach, particularly in the context of our archaeological, geoarchaeological, geographical and ethnohistorical research. The research conducted so far in the region and the high degree of cooperation from the Nunavimmiut have amply demonstrated the immense potential of Nunavik for scientific research. In particular, we must remember the interest shown by the unconditional involvement of the Nunavimmiut concerning ancient heritage and current cultural practices, and how they have reappropriated them as identity markers. Thus, the creation of local cultural committees, and especially their incorporation into the structure of the CURA S.I.A., assures us a vital link between Inuit communities and researchers.

An innovative approach : Research Modules

The CURA S.I.A. is characterized by a set of research modules whose various components are connected together by the overall theme "Time and space among the Inuit of Nunavik". Each of the five modules, whose main research focus is determined by the preoccupations of the Inuit, covers issues and specific approaches, and involves its own group of researchers and collaborators:

A variety of media for all

A particular attention will be given to the dissemination of research results, as much from a scientific point of view as from a general public approach. The traditional means of dissemination (books, articles, exhibitions, etc.) will be joined to new electronic formats for delivering information, which will focus on developing educational and interactive tools. All publications will target the northern populations as well as canadians in general, and canadian and foreign university specialists.

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